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Affirmations for God Loves Me

God Loves Me

Understanding and accepting God's love for us is a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. It brings peace, comfort, and strength, especially during challenging times. However, it's not always easy to remember and truly believe in this divine love, which is where our 'Affirmations for God Loves Me' come in.

These affirmations are designed to help you internalize the truth of God's love. By repeating them regularly, you can rewire your thought patterns and deepen your faith. They serve as a powerful tool to combat negative thoughts and feelings, replacing them with positivity and assurance of God's unwavering love.

One Affirmation

"God's love for me is infinite and unconditional."


A Set of 3

"I am enveloped in God's love.

 I feel God's love strengthening me.

 God's love fills me with peace and joy."


A Set of 10

"I am a beloved child of God.

 I feel God's love in every breath I take.

 I see God's love in every sunrise.

 I visualize God's love as a warm, comforting light.

 I am worthy of God's love.

 God's love empowers me to do great things.

 I imagine God's love as a shield, protecting me.

 God's love fills me with courage and strength.

 I am at peace, knowing God loves me.

 God's love for me is unchanging and eternal."


A Haiku

"God's love surrounds me,

 In every breath, every step,

 I am not alone."


A Poem

"In the quiet moments, I feel God's love,

 A gentle whisper in the wind,

 In the chaos, it's God's peace I'm thinking of,

 A steady rock on which I've leaned.

 Through every trial, every joy,

 God's love remains, it does not sway,

 A constant force, it does not toy,

 In my heart, it will forever stay."


A Prayer

"Dear God,

 May I always feel your love and let it guide my way."

*For best results: Affirmations should be read or listened to every day. This causes the words to become ingrained deep into your mind, so that they begin to influence your thoughts, words, actions, & habits.