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Practice Gratitude

September 23, 2023

An Affirming Poem to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can bring about a sense of peace and contentment. It is a practice that can transform our lives, making us more aware of the good things that surround us. One of the most beautiful ways to express and practice gratitude is through poetry. A poem titled "Practice Gratitude" beautifully encapsulates this sentiment.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is more than just saying 'thank you'. It is a deep appreciation for the blessings we have in our lives, no matter how big or small. It is about recognizing the good in our lives and acknowledging that source of goodness as being outside of ourselves. It is a connection to something bigger than ourselves—whether to other people, nature, or a higher power.

"Practice Gratitude": A Poem

The poem "Practice Gratitude" is a beautiful expression of this sentiment. It speaks of gratitude for the natural world—the stars, the sun, the moon—as well as for the emotional experiences of life—laughter, joy, and even tears. Here is the poem:

In the quiet moments, I feel gratitude rise,
For the stars that twinkle, in the vast night skies.
For the sun that warms me, and the moon's soft glow,
For the love in my heart, and the peace I know.
For the laughter and joy, for the tears that fall,
I am deeply thankful, oh so thankful, for it all.

Embracing Gratitude

Reading and reflecting on this poem can be a powerful practice in gratitude. Each line invites us to consider what we are grateful for, from the beauty of the natural world to the range of human emotions. It reminds us that even in the midst of challenges, there is always something to be thankful for.


Gratitude is a practice that can transform our lives, bringing a sense of peace and contentment. The poem "Practice Gratitude" beautifully encapsulates this sentiment, reminding us to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and the range of human emotions. By reading and reflecting on this poem, we can cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude in our lives.

An Affirming Poem to Practice Gratitude...

Practice Gratitude

"In the quiet moments, I feel gratitude rise,

 For the stars that twinkle, in the vast night skies.

 For the sun that warms me, and the moon's soft glow,

 For the love in my heart, and the peace I know.

 For the laughter and joy, for the tears that fall,

 I am deeply thankful, oh so thankful, for it all."