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Affirmations to Overcome Anxiety

Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety is a common issue that many people face in their daily lives. It can be debilitating and prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. However, it's important to remember that you're not alone and there are tools available to help you manage and overcome your anxiety.

Affirmations are one such tool that can be incredibly effective. They work by replacing negative thought patterns with positive ones, helping to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of calm and control. Our affirmations are designed to empower you, giving you the strength to face your fears and overcome your anxiety.

One Affirmation

"I am capable of overcoming anxiety, I am stronger than my fears."


A Set of 3

"I breathe in calmness and breathe out anxiety.

 I visualize a peaceful place where anxiety cannot reach me.

 Every day, I am becoming more relaxed and at ease."


A Set of 10

"I am in control of my thoughts and I choose to think positively.

 I see myself standing strong against my anxiety.

 I am not defined by my anxiety, I am so much more.

 I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.

 I visualize myself free from the chains of anxiety.

 I am becoming more confident and stronger each day.

 I am surrounded by love and support, anxiety has no place here.

 I imagine a life free from the grips of anxiety.

 I am more than capable of overcoming my fears.

 I am on a journey, and every step brings me closer to peace."


A Haiku

"Anxiety fades,

 Strength within me takes its place,

 I am calm and free."


A Poem

"In the mirror of my mind, I see a vision clear,

 A life free from anxiety, a future without fear.

 I see myself standing strong, my spirit taking flight,

 In the quiet of my heart, I know I'll be alright."


A Prayer

"Dear God,

 Grant me the strength to overcome my anxiety, and the peace to live without fear."

*For best results: Affirmations should be read or listened to every day. This causes the words to become ingrained deep into your mind, so that they begin to influence your thoughts, words, actions, & habits.